Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Culture of Innovation

The link above leads to a blog titled "5 Ways to Lay the Foundation for Innovation #InnovatorsMindset". The last point that the author, George Couros, discusses schools embracing an open culture through different ways of communication, such as social media.

As school leaders, we need to continuously figure out the best way to communicate with our faculty members and how they can communicate with each other. One suggestion that Couros makes in order for faculty to communicate is for teachers to tweet with a specific # each day about something they did in their class. If teachers check this everyday and see what other teachers are doing a constant communication is being made and ideas are being shared. Collaboration is also easier, but we would need to figure out how to implement this kind of culture into the school.

As leaders, we need to continue to model what we expect of our community. If we want teachers to create a twitter and learn how to use it, then we have to do it ourselves.

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